Saturday, December 18, 2021

spyrit project reviews

#polygon #crypto #matic #spyrit

Inovasi Blockchain telah membimbing kita ke masa yang lebih maju, mengingat untuk keuangan. Semakin banyak individu yang membuka otak mereka untuk mengelola standar moneter yang terkomputerisasi. Kemajuan ini adalah hal yang kebanyakan dari kita tidak akan pernah mengantisipasi. Meskipun demikian, area crypto terus meledak ke tingkat yang tidak biasa. Pandemi di seluruh dunia adalah keadaan yang mendorong kripto untuk bersinar.

Beberapa dari Anda mungkin mengacaukan gagasan runtuhnya uang tradisional dan mata uang digital. Sementara dalam uang konvensional, pengosongan adalah sesuatu yang mengerikan, itu adalah komponen positif untuk mata uang digital. Dalam uang konvensional, pengosongan mengacu pada pengurangan sumber daya dalam biaya karena kondisi tertentu, misalnya, over-stamping. Berkenaan dengan Bitcoin, perataan pada umumnya akan mengacu pada persediaan mata uang digital yang paling ekstrim. Sejujurnya, pasokan BTC yang mengalir akan berkurang dalam jangka panjang karena kunci pribadi hilang dan koin menjadi tidak dapat dipulihkan. Banyak bentuk uang digital lainnya juga bersifat deflasi.

Crypto deflasi berkurang dalam pasokan pasarnya seiring berjalannya waktu. Variabel ini menunjukkan bahwa klien atau kelompok usaha akan mengambil bagian dalam latihan yang mengurangi stok koin di blockchain. Metode khas untuk mencapai tujuan ini adalah menggunakan token. Poin penting adalah bahwa bentuk uang digital dengan persediaan terbatas tentu saja bersifat deflasi. Mereka mencapai status ini karena selama pendukung keuangan membeli dan memegang koin, persediaannya berkurang. Model yang luar biasa adalah Bitcoin, koin utama di pasar kripto dan memegang kekuatan paling penting hingga saat ini.

Tentang SpyritCoin

SpyritCoin adalah token utilitas deflasi berdasarkan jaringan Polygon yang dibuat dengan dua konvensi praktis; Reoccurring Tax Back to Investors, dan Akuisisi Likuiditas.

Apa itu Utilitas?

Utilitas untuk SpyritCoin akan digunakan di dalam panggung bekerja di sekitar SPYRIT. Panggung memiliki konvensi yang memungkinkan klien untuk bertukar dengan kecepatan pertukaran cepat, penandaan senyawa otomatis, budidaya pengembalian tinggi, dan penandaan NFT tanpa henti.

Perkembangan Kami


Aplikasi yang bergantung pada standar DeFi, untuk menjamin likuiditas sektor bisnis streaming gratis.


Perdagangan terdesentralisasi berdasarkan Jaringan Polygon yang akan memungkinkan klien untuk membeli, menjual, dan memperdagangkan koin atau token mereka dengan aman.


Ubah SpyritCoin Anda dari organisasi Polygon menjadi Spyrit Chain.

Staking dan Farming

Taruhan SpyritCoin atau NFT Anda untuk mendapatkan hasil dari wisma atau kumpulan likuiditas.


Spyrit Chain akan menjadi konvensi blockchain Layer 1 lainnya yang berpusat di sekitar kegunaan dan skalabilitas yang dikembangkan lebih lanjut, dengan biaya gas yang tidak signifikan.


Sebuah game MetaVerse berbasis cerita yang unik dengan kegunaan NFT dan dalam konten NFT game, disebut Spyrit Realm. Dibuat dan disampaikan di Spyrit Chain.


Nama Token : SpyritCoin

Jaringan: POLYGON

Pasokan: 5 MILIAR

Biaya: 10%

Likuiditas Otomatis : 5%

Devidens : 5%

Kontrak pintar SPYRIT aman dan terjamin! Terimakasih untuk

@DessertSwap untuk Audit Doxx! Alamat kontrak

@Polygon : 0x35db0dfb42dfe164a3e4d39f91459878d564fa5b

Peta jalan

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Bina Jaringan Rantai Spyrit

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Forum Username: wakkajiperketek

Forum Profile Link:;u=3111997

Telegram Username: @wakkajiperketek

Discord Username ; wakkajiperketek#7524

Wallet Address: 0x0431eFAE96740E04b3996c96D17C470f12d55952

Joined Campaigns: Article Campaigns

Friday, December 17, 2021

Values DAO Metaverse Reserve Protocol Reviews

#polygon #crypto #cryptocurrency #valuesfinance

What is Values?

Values is Metaverse Reserve Protocol on Polygon Network based on the $VALUES token. Each $VALUES token is backed by a basket of assets (e.g. MAI, FRAX) in the Values treasury, giving it an intrinsic value that it cannot fall below. Values Protocol gives a possibility to back NFT tokens to the treasury liquidity. Values introduce economic and game-theoretic dynamics into the market through staking and bonding.

Values is partly fork for OlympusDAO with own twist applied for NFT Bonding for metaverse space and based on Polygon network.

What is the point of Values?

Our goal is to build a policy-controlled liquidity system for NFT metaverse space, in which the behavior of the $VALUES token is controlled at a high level by the DAO. In the long term, we believe this system can be used to optimize for stability and consistency so that $VALUES can function as a global unit-of-account and medium-of-exchange currency in a decentralized metaverse. In the short term, we intend to optimize the system for growth and wealth creation.

How do I participate in Values?

There are two main strategies for market participants: staking and bonding. Stakers stake their $VALUES tokens in return for more $VALUES tokens, while bonders provide LP or MAI tokens in exchange for discounted $VALUES tokens after a fixed vesting period. 

How can I benefit from Values?

The main benefit for stakers comes from supply growth. The ValuesDAO harvests new $VALUES tokens from the treasury, the majority of which are distributed to the stakers thanks for the $VALUES tokens they offered. Thus, the gain for stakers will come from their auto-compounding balances, though price exposure remains an important consideration. That is, if the increase in token balance outpaces the potential drop in price (due to inflation), stakers would make a profit.

The main benefit for bonders comes from price consistency. Bonders commit a capital upfront and are promised a fixed return at a set point in time; that return is in $VALUES and thus the bonder's profit would depend on $VALUES price when the bond matures. Bonders benefit from a rising or static $VALUES price.

Who created Values?

Values is a fork of OlympusDAO with its twist applied for NFT space on the Polygon Network that will help other projects build a decentralized metaverse. Our core team has combined experience in computer science, cryptography, economy, and design. Followed by years of experience in crypto. We prefer to stay mostly anonymous for the success of this project because of our aim at becoming a Decentralized Autonomous Organization.

Who runs Values?

Currently, most of the decisions are taken by the core team, but we expect to be able to turn this into a DAO-governed model as soon as possible with your help!

What is Staking

Staking is the primary value accrual strategy of Values. Stakers stake their $VALUES on the Values website to earn rebase rewards. The rebase rewards come from the proceed from bond sales, and can vary based on the number of $VALUES staked in the protocol and the reward rate set by monetary policy.

Staking is a passive, long-term strategy. The increase in your stake of $VALUES translates into a constantly falling cost basis converging on zero. This means even if the market price of $VALUES drops below your initial purchase price, given a long enough staking period, the increase in your staked $VALUES balance should eventually outpace the fall in price.

When you stake, you lock $VALUES and receive an equal amount of sVALUES. Your sVALUES balance rebases up automatically at the end of every epoch. sVALUES is transferable and therefore composable with other DeFi protocols.

When you unstake, you burn sVALUES and receive an equal amount of VALUES. Unstaking means the user will forfeit the upcoming rebase reward. Note that the forfeited reward is only applicable to the unstaked amount; the remaining staked VALUES (if any) will continue to receive rebase rewards.

What is bonding?

Bonding(1,1) is the secondary value accrual strategy of Values. It allows Values to acquire its own liquidity and other reserve assets such as LUSD by selling $VALUES at a discount in exchange for these assets. The protocol quotes the bonder with terms such as the bond price, the amount of $VALUES tokens entitled to the bonder, and the vesting term. The bonder can claim some of the rewards ($VALUES tokens) as they vest, and at the end of the vesting term, the full amount will be claimable. 

Bonding is an active, short-term strategy. The price discovery mechanism of the secondary bond market renders bond discounts more or less unpredictable. Therefore bonding is considered a more active investment strategy that has to be monitored constantly in order to be more profitable as compared to staking.

Bonding allows Values to accumulate its own liquidity. We call our own liquidity POL. More POL ensures there is always locked exit liquidity in our trading pools to facilitate market operations and protect token holders. Since Values becomes its own market, on top of additional certainty for $VALUES investors, the protocol accrues more and more revenue from LP rewards bolstering our treasury.

(1,1) Bonding

1,1 Bonding is the process of buying regular 1,1 Bonds

Users can swap selected tokens (usually stable coins like DAI and USDC) or LP pairs directly with the Protocol in exchange for discounted $VALUES tokens.

This allows the Protocol to build reserves of stablecoins which help grow the project and allow us to offer attractive APYs.

In return, Bonders will receive a linearly vested supply of discounted $VALUES tokens which can be redeemed and staked or traded.

(4,4) Bonding

4,4 Bonding is very similar to (1,1) bonding with some differences

The rewards for a 4,4 bonds are paid in sVALUES(staked $VALUES) instead of $VALUES

Complete Value of 4,4 bond is staked, not separated into epochs

Your rewards compound as they are vested, meaning you don't have to stake them, after claiming them

Bonds have a vesting period of 5 days and you can claim at the end.

The percentage shown in sidebar is ROI (Return of Investment) after 5 days and not discount.

Breakdown of percentage is show on the bonds page

In below example ROI is 12.28 = 0.70% (discount) + 11.58% (Rebase rewards on complete amount)

Note: As you get sVALUES, you get rebase rewards even if you don't claim them.

Claiming just moves sVALUES from contract to your total staked amount.

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Forum Username: wakkajiperketek

Forum Profile Link:;u=3111997

Telegram Username: @wakkajiperketek

Discord Username ; wakkajiperketek#7524

Wallet Address: 0x0431eFAE96740E04b3996c96D17C470f12d55952

Joined Campaigns: Article Campaigns

Socialogue is a game-changing platform for the NFT market

The Problem

Over the last decade, the NFT market has undergone a massive growth spurt, and there are no signs of stopping it. Our technological infrastructure isn’t able to support the constantly emerging innovations. Whereas it sounds like a limitation, we’ve seen it as an opportunity.

The consumers are eager to try out new things, to be able to connect and build communities, make decisions all in a safe and secure environment, all without the middleman, and all for zero gas fees.

The problem is that, up until yesterday, a platform providing all of the above didn’t exist.

Welcome to Socialogue

As blockchain has been a game-changer in society’s interactions, Socialogue is a game-changing platform for the NFT market. Like any other form of art, when buying NFT’s, the customer wants to be closely connected to the artist. Browsing, discussing, and connecting are inseparable parts of a thriving art market platform, so we’ve invented a space for consumers to do it all in one place — Socialogue. Our social catalogue is open for artists to promote their works, engage with the audience and sell their artworks without significant fees. In return, the community has the space to share ideas, discuss art and get in touch with their favorite NFT artists.

The future of asset trading is digital. So we’re ensuring that NFTs are traded in an open, decentralized ecosystem secured by the Ethereum blockchain network. The best part is that we offer our social marketplace for creators and buyers for Zero gas fees for peer-to-peer trading based on the most innovative technology.



LACK OF DIRECT COMMUNICATION : There are many ways to build an NFT community. Channels like Discord or Twitter make it possible to develop the following. But building community doesn't mean building relationships. Many talented creators and curious collectors miss opportunities to collaborate due to a lack of direct contact.

HIGH ETHEREUM GAS COSTS : Ethereum is the most popular blockchain that businesses are investigating and incorporating into their operations today. Statistics show that the Ethereum blockchain is used by twenty-four of the fifty listed companies. Despite being an excellent technology, Ethereum has a drawback, which significantly affects the NFT space - this is the cost of fuel. On August 5, 2021, the London Upgrade was implemented to make Ethereum transactions more predictable, but gas fees still stop many individuals from participating in the space.


SAFETY ISSUE : Following the former, the lack of live communication and multiple channels at play can cause individuals to lose money. The NFT space, like everything else, has a black and white side. The sad truth is that some unscrupulous people use social engineering and other tricks to get someone off the line into a replicated NFT store. The all-in-one platform is a much more secure and convenient solution.

NO OPTIONS TO SHAPE THE FUTURE : With the industry growing, NFT and Metaverse are the future. It's very user experience based. Community members have many ways to express their opinions but no option to influence change directly.

CLIMATE CONTROVERS : Both cryptocurrencies and NFTs have come under criticism for their impact on energy consumption and climate impacts. This problem is real and widespread. An alternative way of using technology is a must.

Socialogue Senate

We have designed and released the first-ever Social NFT Marketplace in the world. By ‘we,’ we mean our talented team of geeks and all the NFT fans. We know that without You Socialogue would be nothing. That’s why we have established the Socialogue Senate.

The Socialogue Senate is a unique community where each member of the Senate has the right to offer their suggestions on improving the community and has the right to vote and express themselves freely. The rules in this democratic social marketplace are simple — one NFT equals one vote. Therefore, the only thing we condemn in this society is the lack of integrity with your word and your token.

Socialogue Values

  • Equality — every creator has equal possibilities to be rendered on the most visible platform place.
  • Community — socialogue’s main advantage is that it creates a space where artists and art lovers trade digital art and connect and build communities.
  • Transparency — Socialogue’s use of blockchain yields a decentralized network, guaranteeing transparency to users. Blockchain facilitates every transaction on our social marketplace, allowing clarity of ownership and final prices paid for all goods.
  • Accessibility — the unregulated art collectibles market creates inherent barriers that prevent artists and collectors from entering this art market entirely. Our social catalogue model is the solution for that as it is accessible to everyone.
  • Integrity — getting hold of our NFT collectibles grants status and the responsibility to be an active and respectful member of the community.
  • Security — Socialogue’s blockchain technology creates immutable records of authenticity and provenance, mitigating risk with fraud and counterfeits in a legally compliant manner.

Watch this space and get excited for the upcoming innovations in the digital art era

Socialogue is a Decentralized Autonomous Organization a place where the control is handed over to the people. As in real-life democratic countries, without the people, there would be no country, so as Socialogue wouldn’t exist without the NFT lovers, artists, fans and collectors. Therefore, we have established a virtual senate, ruled by DAO principles and led by Socialogue’s community.

DAO Senate is a unique type of governance that is defined by principles that are similar to our well-known principles of democratic countries. The beauty of this establishment is that, unlike traditional democracy, it hasn’t been around for thousands of years — it is still in its pure form and full of potential. It is open for us to mould it as we want it. And so we did.

The Values

Socialogue has been founded with the idea of creating a free and fair virtual community where people could not only trade NFTs but also connect, express themselves and be able to make the changes within the platform. Up until recently, such a platform didn’t exist. We gave ourselves a purpose to build something that denies the rules of the NFT market that have been created by central governance. We are here for the people and we do believe that certain rules are to be broken. That being said, the only rules our social marketplace has are the values that we are guided by. Which are:

  • Equality — as in any democratic country, all members of our community have equal rights to join, to vote, and to express themselves.
  • Integrity — getting hold of our NFT collectibles grants not only status but also the responsibility to be an active and respectful member of the community.
  • Community — is the absolute foundation of our ETHOS. We’re stronger when we are together. And only together can we shake the virtual world.

How does DAO Senate work

Each member of the Senate has the right to offer their suggestions on improving the community, has the right to vote and express themselves freely. The rules in this democratic social marketplace are simple — one NFT equals one vote.

Socialogue is open to everyone. Anybody can join DAO Senta by purchasing one of our NFT collectibles. However, we all know that “with great power comes great responsibility”, so you must use your token wisely, be active, make a difference, and all together, we will make Socialogue the most popular NFT Social place in the world.


2021 Q1-Q3

Conducting deep market research. Settling the legal matters. Designing Socialogue platform. Implementing the experience of top-notch advisors.

2021 Q4

The release of NFTs collection and launch of Socialogue (Beta). Integration of blockchain into the platform. NFT airdrop. Establishment of DAO Senate.

2022 Q1-Q2

Launching the Socialogue token, DAO Senate Metaverse, Socialogue Metaverse and a full version of the platform. Integration of token stake and tips functionalities.

2022 Q3-Q4

The launch of Socialogue app for iOS and Android. Advancing the community functionality - introducing group chats, private groups and members recognition via smart contract.

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Forum Username: wakkajiperketek

Forum Profile Link:;u=3111997

Telegram Username: @wakkajiperketek

Discord Username ; wakkajiperketek#7524

Wallet Address: 0x0431eFAE96740E04b3996c96D17C470f12d55952

Joined Campaigns: Article Campaigns

Thursday, December 9, 2021


#dao #pafdao #bitcoin #crypto


PAF DAO je decentralizovaná autonomní organizace založená společnostmi Pitch Finance a Flocki Finance.

Dva decentralizované projekty se oficiálně spojují; Pitch Finance a FlockiFinance.

Fúze, přezdívaná PAF DAO, je vybrána z počátečních písmen dvou projektů – „Pitch and Flocki“. PAF DAO bude plně decentralizovaným ekosystémem. Bude poskytovat společné služby, které se starají o dva projekty – Pitch Finance a FlockiFinance. Široká škála služeb by mimo jiné zahrnovala Launchpad, OTC obchodování, NFT market place, staking, governance atd.

Pitch Finance a Flocki Finance se dohodly na sloučení svých protokolů do PAF DAO.

Pitch Finance nezávisle nabízí hodnotu pro nadšence do kryptoměn tím, že jim pomáhá budovat, kupovat, prodávat, obchodovat s jakýmkoliv druhem aktiv, tokenů a NFT v různých blockchainech.

FlockiFinance je prvním multiřetězcovým tržištěm pro NFT. Nadšenci a obchodníci kryptoměn mohou nakupovat, prodávat, obchodovat a dokonce směňovat jakýkoli NFT na jakémkoli blockchainu, který si přejí, pomocí jedné platformy.

Lze si jen představit, čeho tito dva dosáhnou, když své platformy začlení do jednoho ekosystému. Kromě snížení využitelné energie v ekosystému tyto dva projekty poskytnou uživatelům kryptoměn také vyšší efektivitu.

Token bude k dispozici v soukromém a veřejném prodeji. Jednotlivé tokeny (FFT a PFT) zůstanou a horní držitelé obou tokenů budou vyřazeni s tokenem PAF.

Dalšími klíčovými událostmi, na které se můžete těšit, je spuštění odpalovacího panelu PFT, jehož spuštění je plánováno na 17. prosince 2021 a uvedení na tržiště Flocki na 20. prosince. Po spuštění budou oba tokeny spojeny do jednoho ekosystému kontrolovaného PAF DAO.

Podrobnosti tokenu


Chcete-li se zúčastnit White listingu soukromého prodeje, postupujte podle pokynů k platbě a vyplňte



  • . 1 BNB = 30 000 PAF


  • . 1 BNB = 27 500 PAF
  • . Tvrdá čepice BNB 20


  • . 1 BNB = 25 000 PAF
  • . Tvrdá čepice BNB 25




Pro více informací:






Forum Username: wakkajiperketek

Forum Profile Link:;u=3111997

Telegram Username: @wakkajiperketek

Discord Username ; wakkajiperketek#7524

Wallet Address: 0x0431eFAE96740E04b3996c96D17C470f12d55952

Joined Campaigns: Article Campaigns

Wednesday, December 1, 2021

Aimedis is a unique medical platform combining medical records

#Aimedis #metaverse #virtualhospital

What is Aimedis?

Aimedis is a unique medical platform combining medical records, communication tools, prescriptions, sick certificates, second opinions, IoT and tracker devices, the worlds first medical and scientific NFT marketplace, a pharmacy, a social medical network, a place to meet other patients and connect to healthcare professionals worldwide. Blockchain technology supports trust and credibility of information and data exchange. Aimedis is multilingual and serves people everywhere in the world.

How is blockchain technology implemented into Aimedis?

Aimedis uses a multi-blockchain system that implements a decentralized-nonpublic blockchain to save transaction ID’s, vaccinations and organ donor passes. The token is handled via a public blockchain and NFTs are handled either on a public or a private chain depending on the encryption level of the NFTs created.

How does Aimedis use NFT technology?

Aimedis offers the world’s first medical and scientific NFT marketplace, offering a unique mechanism to buy and sell medical and scientific data.

  • Asset type: Aimedis ERC-721 based NFTs
  • Mechanism of deployment: generated inside the Aimedis DataXChange platform
  • Price per NFT: medical and research data at market prices (up to several thousand USD / NFT)

Aimedis NFTs contain medical / Pharmaceutical / Research / socio-economic data

Patients / Researchers / Pharma / CRO / universities & governments can buy & sell data directly via the platform

Multi ownership of NFTs - Pharma companies, research companies and universities can share the funding and acquire medical data together

Data providers earn a fix percentage of the data sold each time the NFT is used and / or sold

Each NFT is flawlessly traceable while always keeping the data provider's anonymity if selected (research institutes / CRO / pharma etc. can sell data while providing their ID)

Each NFT is encryted so that only the data buyer can access it while a new private key is generated each time the data is sold and passed on

Option to move NFTs inside Aimedis' scientifical parachain (encrypted, not public)

After establishing fix values for data NFTs will get color codes to fix a value (e.g. 4.000 USD for a red NFT) to give researchers / patients / universities the option to trade & lend projects or cash against medical data making using the AIMX token, upgrading the AIMX token to a De-Fi token (2023)

Aimedis NFTs can be defined as SINGLE USE NFTs or MULTI USE NFTs. While SINGLE USE NFTs are being burned after the first access, MULTI USE NFTs can be used multiple times AIMX token holders get discounts on publishing AND buying NFTs

NFT usage in the AIMx ecosystem -> stake AIMx and get

NFT prizes like tickets for healthcare programs

The Aimedis NFT marketplace is called Aimedis DataXChange and works as the world's first medical & scientific NFT platform - 21st century data integrity & monetization system

The Aimedis AIMX token

Asset type: BEP-20 on Binance Smart Chain

Maximal supply: 600,000,000 AIMx

AIMx Sale: 60,000,000 AIMx

1 AIMx = 0,05 EUR/USD

Staking: 1 Stake = 200,000 AIMx. A min. of 200k AIMx is required to participate in staking program. Stake for 12 months, receive 12.5% interest in AIMx. E.g.: User A stakes 200.000 AIMx for 12months => 12,5% interest (25.000 AIMx Tokens). Lockup time for staking is at least 6 months.

Burning: 2% of existing AIMx tokens are burned per year for 5 years. Afterwards decentralized governance will decide about the continuation of the burning program.

Spending: AIMx gives patients/users 10% discount on services when used in payments. Healthcare providers & companies receive up to 50% discount on advertising costs on the platform, if they hold a min. of 1 stake (200k AIMx). Pharmacies can access business deals within the Aimedis ecosystem if they hold a min. of 1 stake (200k AIMx). Users can use AIMx to get enable social medical functions.

Earning: AIMx rewards for social medical activities (users, creators, vloggers, influencers, moderators, surveys, focus groups); AIMx donations for Nonprofits or goodwill initiatives (Africa, Philippines, Malaysia); AIMx funding for creatives projects to spread awareness (HIV/AIDS, rare diseases, etc); Advocacy programs for workplaces (hospitals, clinics, pharmacies) where participants can raise their Aimedis score and AIMx to unlock premium features (e.g. staffing premium services); earn AIMx, perks, and premium access by building local communities as an Aimedis ambassador.



Forum Username: wakkajiperketek

Forum Profile Link:;u=3111997

Telegram Username: @wakkajiperketek

Discord Username ; wakkajiperketek#7524

Wallet Address: 0x0431eFAE96740E04b3996c96D17C470f12d55952

Joined Campaigns: Article Campaigns

BlocKombat is a P2E (play to earn) 3D multichain, GameFi ecosystem with NFTs rewards

Play-to-acquire (P2E) crypto games are giving purchasers the possibility to acquire in-game resources that may be listed for digital currenc...