Sunday, October 10, 2021

Solana Leader (SOL COIN) - Digital Market For Placementable Cryptocurrencies And Non-fungible Tokens NFTs

#SolanaLeaders #SolanaNFTs #nftsonsolana #Solana #NFTs

What is Solana?

Solana (SOL) is an open-source blockchain that opens the door to fast, secure and scalable decentralized apps. Currently, Solana supports 65,000 TPS (transactions per second) and 400 ms block times.

The primary purpose of Solana software is to enable the transaction to be scaled proportionally to network bandwidth. The idea is to meet all three requirements of the blockchain: scalability, security and decentralization.

Solana Laders is a Decentralized and transparent digital financial platform that is specifically designed for providing a digital market for NFTS. Knowing the importance, and how valuable these NFTs are, and knowing how precious it is for artists to own and identify their digital assets, this unique Platform took it upon itself to provide a transparent and unique NFT Marketplace where they can easily buy, sell and discover exclusive digital assets.

Solana Blockchain Platform has been marked as one of the largest markets for placement-able cryptocurrencies and Non Fungible Tokens (NFTs). The ownership of digital assets is virtually everyone's dream, this is why this unique Platform provides a reliable market where transactions can be freely and openly made with every transaction recorded in the ledger. It also provides a means that will enable users to verify the ownership of their digital assets and also transfer ownership with ease.

Why is Solana better for DeFi's product development?

  • Lightning fast
  • Solana supports 65,000 TPS (transactions per second). In test lab conditions, it could scale up to 111,000 (by May 2020). Solana is designed to scale along with hardware and bandwidth, so performance will improve along with industry growth.
  • Cost Efficient
  • Solana's transaction costs are very low: $0.0001. This is a perfect scenario for DeFi applications that want to keep costs low.
  • Decentralized
  • Decentralization is the core requirement of blockchain and Solana fits that perfectly. The Solana MainNet currently has 128 independent validators securing the Solana Blockchain Network.
  • Open source
  • Anyone can download Solana's code directly from Solana Lab's Github and get a node up and running quickly. The team did a great job explaining how the technology works in Solana Docs.

Reliable partner

In March 2020, Solana announced its partnership with Chainlink to deliver ultra-fast Oracle data feeds to DeFi apps. The idea is to make Chainlink the Oracle solution for this project, but also the standard for all Solana Dapps. This gives Dapps secure access to all the inputs and outputs they need, avoiding major pitfalls when deploying custom Oracles (from delays and extra costs to serious security vulnerabilities).

Another important partnership is with the stablecoin token bridge Terra. The goal is to build a new high-speed token bridge that will streamline the transfer of Terra stablecoins to the Solana Dapp ecosystem. These tokens are the first stablecoins on the network. Solana wants to open the door for more developers and new applications that may require price-stable payments.

Built on Rust

One of the fastest growing languages ​​according to Github's The State of the Octoverse is Rust, the language underlying Solana. Rust helped the team troubleshoot memory security and thread concurrency issues. Rust is also used in Facebook's Libra project.

Working with Solana & Rust

“Solana makes it possible to write smart contract code in many programming languages. At Rumble Fish, we chose Rust because we like how strict it is when it comes to compilation time. In this context, it is easier to avoid mistakes,” said Marek Kowalski, CTO and co-founder of Rumble Fish.

A framework is emerging today called Anchor. It plays the same role in Solana as Truffle in Ethereum.

Building a project with Solana

I think Solana is a good choice for building an exchange on the Uniswap protocol.

Creating an NFT token is easy; there is a pre-built contract that generates all tokens. NFT tokens on Solana are simply tokens with a total supply of 1. In this case, the cost of the token is $0.02 per the current price of SOL (Solana's original currency used to pay the transaction fees) . The transaction throughput in Solana looks really good. Note that SOL is very cheap; we could integrate the system with blockchain much more visibly than nbatopshots.

Wrapping Up

I hope this article helped you understand Solana's potential on the DeFi scene. This introduction is meant to show you that it pays to keep a close eye on open source blockchain projects.


SOLANA NFT MARKET should be adopted by sellers and buyer of NFTs, investors and NFT holders for the following features it offers at stated above:

BLOCKCHAIN TECHOLOGY STANDARD: The Solana NFTs marketplace as developed it system on a blockchain technology which helps to make every part of the transactions on the system very easy and secure.

MULTIPLE SMART CHAIN: The project is build on a multiple Network, like binance smart chain, Ethereum Networok, Huobi Chain, Polkadot, Polygon etc, for the fact that the chain gives room for scalability, fast and secure transactions. On the Multiple Chain there is also a high standard level of security.

MINIMAL TRANSACTION FEES: on the Solana NFTs market there are fees paid for different activities and transaction in the marketplace. Some of the activities include: trading, NFTs listing, creation and auctions. All this activities requires very little fees and are paid with the SOL Token and BNB.

GOVERNANCE: The governance of the ecosystem is always in the decision of users of the platform; they are having the opportunity to modify basic arrangements and protocols to fit in their style of operation.

UNIQUE PARTNERSHIP: The project gives room to users and institutions with a digital product to display them on the social marketplace for sale. The platform allows a valid partnership with anyone who is ready to display his/her product.

INCREDIBLE BONUSES FOR USERS: The platform as been designed in such a way that it rewards every user with one or two contributions on the platform. It also has a way of rewarding every buyers, sellers and NFTs creators on the platform.


Website live: We launched our website

Free 200 NFTs drop: We already dropped 200 free Benjmain Franklin NFTs on our website. And they were minted in 30 secs!

Marketplace listing: Our collection has been listed on Digital Eyes: click

New Sol Leaders announcements: Right now we revealed only Benjamin Franklin. But we have 5 more Leaders to show you!

Main Drop: We will be hosting big drop with several Sol Leaders.

Land Drop: In our P2E game users have their own lands that gives them cryptocurrency Land is also represented as NFT. To earn crypto you need to purchase Land and put any Sol Leader on it represented as NFT. To earn crypto you need to purchase Land and put any Sol Leader on it.

Game Beta Test: We will invite Sol Leaders NFTs holders to closed game beta test

Game Release: Official game release. Really big event!


Solana project will support integration of Multiple Chain on NFTs in difference Blockchain Network to allow ease of transactions for the users. Solana will present a platform in which NFTs will also be acceptable in music, virtual realities and gaming. In an effort to actualize this dream, the team of Solana has partnered with some online gaming companies, Museums and currently working on more partnership. is a very huge project one must not miss.

Solana NFT marketplace is an incredible project with distinct features especially for sellers, buyers and holders of NFTs. I believe the team will achieve all it Roadmap and provide users with a profit oriented and secure ecosystem. Thanks to the founder for such a distinct idea. This project will really help buying and selling of NFTs. It will also help incur more profits.

For More Information Connect to Solana Platform




Creating Solana Wallet:

Forum Username: wakkajiperketek

Forum Profile Link:;u=3111997

Telegram Username: @wakkajiperketek

Joined Campaigns: Article Campaigns.

Wallet SOL : HfEqPMN8QFDF3dsfUUx6H4aTVL4g7akumNwivGC2hN8C

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